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Quebec Superior Court has denied the ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect Lev Tahor the right to appeal a decision rendered last November, which ordered 14 children be returned to Quebec to be placed in youth protection services.

Justice Luc Lefebvre ruled that the 30-day period to file an appeal had not been respected, and therefore the judgement rendered could not longer be appealed under youth protection laws.

Photo credit: Radio Canada

Quebec police search warrants have been issued in relation to allegations that members of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect inflicted psychological and physical abuse on teenaged girls.

The abuses allegedly took place in the Lev Tahor 'Jewish Taliban' sect that settled in Quebec and Ontario. Details of the warrants were made public following media requests.

Prosecutors ordered that 14 children in the community be moved to temporary foster care because of allegations of neglect and abuse. About 200 members of the sect fled Quebec in November before the court order was executed.

A mother in the Lev Tahor community who is the subject of a child protection proceeding sent a letter to media outlets Friday afternoon decrying the actions of Chatham-Kent Children's Services and calling out for help.

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